Saturday, 3 March 2012

yeah...not gonna happen

so the other day KPLC decided to send me on a one day compulsory leave, am not sure who told them i needed it. i use computers in my line of work so no electricity means no work(meaning no pay). anyway, i decided to take advantage of that and went some bumming seeing as i never get time to do that. but when i got home, there was no one. the house help had gone on an errand and had carried the key with her. to make matters worse, i was really hungry not to mention the sun..urgh..there were like two suns shining on that day,i swear.
anyway, the heat and the hunger made it impossible for me to walk anymore so i went to chill with some dudes at the gate..after some while, i was left with just the guard who decided that it was his turn to pull the moves on me. the dude did not waste time to be a gentleman, get to know the next person a little bit. no, he went for the kill, talking about us getting a room..dude, i just meat you not to mention you fall way down my radar.who does he think he is. i was offended to be honest. i know i have been out of the game for a while but I'd still like to think people would want to learn my second name first huh?
anyway, i turned him down with such finality that it surprised him. like Mwafrika and his friend would say, i put him out like a candle. so what made me that offended you might ask? some would even say i should have been flattered. but to me the most important thing is respect. if you do not show me respect, then i don't care if you look like Brad Pitt and earn as much money as Bill Gates, i will not spare a moment for you.
i know for a fact the we ladies have a lot to offer other than just a romp in the sack. so if a man does not take time to realize that, then he is not worth the time. secondly, i don't get why him and many others act all offended when you turn them down. and no we are not playing hard to get...i figure that, the same way they would never approach just any girl because she wears a skirt is the same case with us. i do not have to say yes to you just because you noticed me. its just as simple as that.

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